Sunday, November 09, 2008

Another White family favourite recipe is for homemade pizzas. I make the dough from scratch and freeze a batch for next time, it does need all day to defrost on its own so the yeastie beasties can come back to life but it makes delicious pizza on a baking tray with no pizaz stone in sight!
We usually top with whatever we have going begging in the fridge however a firm favourite is a classic Hawaiian with tinned pineapple, sliced ham and lots of cheese on top.
I wish I could remember where I found the recipe from so I can give credit where credit is due but I have been using it for close to five years now and I can't even remember what I had for breakfast, let alone something like that!
Simple pizza dough from scratch

3 tablespoons of dried yeast (usually about one packets worth)
½ cup wholemeal flour
½ cup lukewarm water

1 cup of lukewarm water
6 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of salt
3 ½ cups of plain flour

Start by combining the ingredients for the starter in a large bowl, stir until mixed and then cover with a dishtowel and leave to stand for 30 minutes in a warm place.

Retrieve the bowl and add remaining ingredients and mix well. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes. You might need to keep flouring the surface to stop the dough from sticking. It should end up soft and pliant.

Place the dough into a well oiled bowl and cover with a slightly damp dishcloth and put it back into the warm area to rise and double in size in about two hours.

Marvel at the incredible scientific miracle that has occurred and turn the dough out onto the floured surface and knead it back down into a soft and pliant ball.

Cut into two and form into balls. (This is where you can freeze one ball for later, just make sure its well wrapped in loose, oiled clingfilm so it can expand when you defrost.) Roll out into rough circular shapes with a rolling pin and transfer to a well floured baking tray for preparation, flatten out with your fingertips, this stuff is pliant alright!

Prepare your choice of toppings, suggestions as well as the Hawaiian include sundried tomatoes, fresh rocket from the garden and lashings of mozzarella! This is the best bit because everyone gets to have the toppings THEY want and in the style THEY prefer! You can make two big pizzas, four littler ones, or even one GIANT one!

Bake in a hot oven (220 degrees C) for about 20 minutes until the edges are golden and the cheese is melty. Tuck in!


The Jackson Files said...

I LOVE homemade pizza so as soon as I have a kitchen again, I am going to try this dough.

I'm really enjoying this blogging of yours. Yay for nablopomo!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

drool will be your fault I have to go shopping for new summer pants LOL